Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Patriotic Bloodlust Orgy

In a post-4th of July orgy of Patriotism, I have been cruising the Net, seeking patriotic comfort from the bloodlustful rightwing war-dodgers. You know the saying: “Many are called, few are chosen”? Seems that these guys like to stand the call to action on its head, and just call call call and leave off the choosing part, at least as far as their tender bodies are concerned.

General JC Christian, War Hero and Heterosexual, has been leading a recruiting drive aimed at Young Republicans and isn’t having much luck, alas. Seems they have better things to do, like volunteer other people’s kids or hold endless fundraisers to generate funds to hold more fundraisers. Still, one can hope. At an average of 2.3 dead Americans a day, we might put a serious crimp in the Republican life-style, assuming we could get any of those assholes in uniform and over there.

Perhaps it’s the fault of the Liberal Media. You know, those guys who don’t report the body counts, the returning war deads’ coffins, the Downing Street Memo, stuff like that. As a remedy, perhaps better press would help, and the Pentagon may have found their recruiting salvation in the form of Good PR. Check this out.

Conservatives object to Lincoln video, claim it promotes homos

If this weren't so freaking ugly, I'd laugh.

Speaking of not so funny, go to Today In Iraq for the daily scoop from the men and women with their boots on the ground.

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